Friday, March 13, 2009
Well I just woke up from the most amazing three nights of my life, called Waves 2009. I wanna write a big one about Waves, but my extraordinary self is too tired from all the work I did for Waves. Anyway, I'll write something about something soon. For the mean time, here's a little more Photoshop for you:
This is the first 3D effect I tried. Pretty masculine? Pretty or masculine? :P
Then I tried to write my name. I thought It'd be like writing your name in snow, you know how, but it wasn't.
This wasn't either. But hell, I like photoshop!
This is my favorite one. Also, I have a pair of shoes just like this one :)
This is a poster I made for The Dramatics Club in Waves 2009. This is also the one I never got to see because some people think that the best way to attract people to an event is to put up the posters in places where they'll never go.
I'm not particularly fond of this one I made for the same people but hell, I like what I ended up doing with the spotlights.
So, paleej comment if you like anything, or nothing.
Labels: Jat Learns to Photoshop, JLTP, Photoshop, Waves 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
There's almost nothing that's happened over the last few days that I feel like writing about, so this post is just about the pics. Also I will most probably write something about Waves 2009 later. Waves 2009, as you may have already gathered from the link on your right, is one awesome cultural festival of BITS, Pilani - Goa Campus!!! And if you haven't checked the link out, what the hell are you waiting for??? Its awesome. And its in Goa!! To get motivated to click on the link, think of it as a good free porn link if you will...
...Anyway, here are some links regarding WAVES 2009, check'em out plzzzzz. You do know that I can now monitor where you go from this page using that awesome new thing I added down on the left, don't you? Weirdly, it shows I am from Palo Alto, but still...I FIND you, and then I KEEL you! Anyway, here's a link to Waves' official Facebook page. Check this one out too...
Waves' Facebook Page
And here's the official website...
Waves' Website
Now, I recently started spending quite a few hours on Photoshop, thanks to some really good links Rash posted on his blog.(I'm not going to give you his link because he's already got like 100 times more hits than me, and real links actually come up when you google him, unlike me). So, this is what I've been able to do till now:
I'm calling going to call this one Captian Jack Sparrow.
This one has been christened Weird Dog-Bird Thingy.
This is a Retro themed poster of Anushka Sharma. That awesome guy on left is me. I probably don't look as good, but that's because Anushka Sharma is AWESOME. I look pretty good otherwise. I'm guessing.
So that's it for this post. Be careful while going out.
Labels: Jat Learns to Photoshop, JLTP, Photoshop, Waves 2009